Haunted Paddle 2022 wrap up...

"My name is Songoma, the witch of Quail Lake. Let me tell you all about dem nasty pirates and why I put a curse on them and the entire Lake of Quail.

Those Nasty Pirates stole me treasure and refused to return it to me. So I put a Curse on those Pirates that all they can eat is crappy corn dogs. The problem is, Pirates like crappy corn dogs and won't return me treasure to me. So I cursed the entire lake of Quail. No man may catch a fish until me treasure be returned to me. It's up to you brave souls to go out and find me treasure where the Pirates have hidden it and return it to me to remove the Curse of Quail Lake and let them fish be caught fer dinner again.

The nasty pirates spent the treasure in the carnival of the dead, hidden some in the Pirate Graveyard, they have some with them on the Pirate ship, and they even hid some across the lake.
You get to find it and bring it back." - Songoma
Dig Paddlesports wants to thank all our sponsors and volunteers that made this event possible:
* Lawmen and the Muddy River Gang
* Lighting FX
* Infowest
* Rex Baxter financial group
* Make Waves Marketing
and our volunteers:
Tabitha Lemmon, Robert and Peggy Proffit, Consiglia Armbruster and others I may have missed that came out to make this event great. We can't do it without you!

Lawmen and the Muddy River Gang put on a gut busting performance of pirates fighting over the treasure. They volunteered their time and do what they do because of generous donations from others, Please venmo donations so they will be able to come again and again.

Dona Tamra, the carnival queen, greeted guests as they entered the carnival of the dead to play games to get back the stolen coin. Games like Pumpkin Bowling, Skeleton hand ring toss, Dig for Treasure, Walk the plank obstacle course, and few other spooky games.

On the other side of our pathway was a Pirate Graveyard where you might find a few undead spooks holding onto some coin to bring back to Songoma.
Infowest put together an amazing display that lit up at night. Our photographer was unable to properly catch it during the day to show exactly how awesome it was after dark. Truly great work.
Also in the Pirate graveyard were spooky scenes and a pirate ship provided by Rex Baxter Financial group.

As we continued through the graveyard we saw other spooky scenes and the undead waiting to grab you as you took the coin from them.

Down at the beach guests joined our Ferrymen of the dead and got to take a mini cruise around the haunted pirate ship lit up by Lighting FX another of our amazing sponsors.

After taking a trip around the pirate ship and watching the show and playing carnival games and exploring the graveyard, (Phew, that's a lot of fun already) guests had 2 choices..
1 - finish now and return the coin to Songoma for some treats back at the shop and warm up by the fire.
2 - Take a 30 minute mini tour with Captain Obvious and Captain Oblivious out to the buried treasure. Only the adventurous dare get in the kayaks and get out on the water with those crazy pirates. We have no photos of this experience in lit up kayaks paddling into the dark to find the path to the hidden treasure chest, The trip in the dark was not ideal for our photographer. For those brave enough to do it, it's a highlight of the night.
We had great weather and about 100 people in attendance this year. We're already planning for next year.
ALSO - A HUGE thank you to Island Swing for allowing the use of the floating playground as the Pirate Ship for the past 3 years.
I can't wait to see what next year brings...

2022 season event sponsors: