Upcoming Events
- Moonlight Paddle on the Saturday closest to the full moon - join Zion Paddlers on meetup.com for more details. www.meetup.com/zionpaddlers
- Upcoming concerts: The Ed Tracey Band on July 20
- Paddle Out Band July 27
Wild Bill's Wild West Water Rodeo July 24, 2024
July 24th - It's Pioneer Day and the perfect time to celebrate what makes Southwestern Utah, western indeed. It's hat's off to the cowboys with the guts and drive to explore the land and make it blossom in the desert. This year's details found here: https://digpaddlesports.com/pages/wild-bills-wet-and-wild-water-rodeo
Concerts on the Water - Ongoing
This will be the highlight of your summer! Picture floating out on the water at Quail Lake with other paddlers while the band plays from a boat in “Concert Cove” or from our Kayak Beach. Book here.
Back to School Glow Party Movie Night : Date TBA, August 2024
Grab your beach chairs and blankets, or enjoy the show from your paddleboard or kayak. Popcorn and glow sticks - don't eat the glow sticks. This year's movie will be... announced soon. Any recommendations? Email us at digpaddlesports@gmail.com.
5th ANNUAL POLAR PLUNGE, 01/01/2025 at Noon:
Click here or the image below for more details:
April 2025: Poker Paddle: Helping Families Win the Bet Against Cancer. Date To Be Determined...
Stay tuned for more details!
June 7, 2025: Quail Creek Luau w/ Siva Pasefika
Stay tuned for more details!
If an event cannot begin because of weather conditions, Dig Paddlesports will hold the performance and/or event start for up to 30 minutes. At that time conditions will be evaluated, and a decision will be made whether the event can continue or not. Weather conditions often improve, therefore events are not canceled in advance. Some events may continue in the rain.
If a performance is canceled due to inclement weather, purchaser may;
- Receive the value of their tickets on an exchange card which works like a gift card and is valid for rental or events in the next 12 months.
- Exchange their tickets directly toward another event
- Reschedule for the same event if it has been postponed to a future date.
DIG PADDLESPORTS retains the right to change these policies at any time for any reason.