Freedom Float - Light up Floating Parade
Freedom Float
Light Up Floating Parade
Monday July 4th
Event is Free.
Location: Quail Creek State Park
8pm Gather and decorate water craft
Bring your own decorations and lights or purchase a small glow kit from us for $5. Kit includes 4 small glow sticks and one larger glow light plus use of glow paint.
8:30pm Meet at North boat ramp
9pm Parade Starts
This is a short distance spectator friendly Light up Float parade from North boat ramp around The Island Swing and back to North Boat Ramp.
Spectators will need to bring their own chairs.
Feel free to go for a night paddle after as time allows,
Lights are required.
Prize given to best decorated water craft.
(Sponsor: Mad Moose rentals is donating a Jet Ski rental as a prize)
All water craft welcome.
Motorized water craft must stay wakeless speed to participate. No exceptions.
No fireworks or sparklers allowed inside Quail Creek State Park.